Electric fan gust circuit designed according to 555

Achieving electric fan "gust" function circuit Most old-fashioned electric fans do not have a "gust" function, which is very inconvenient to use when sleeping, especially for the elderly and children. The electric fan "gust" circuit assembled by the NE555 time base circuit is shown in the figure. In the circuit, the NE555 is connected to a square wave generator with adjustable duty cycle. Adjusting the RW can change the duty cycle. During the high-level output of the NE555 pin 3, the primary of the zero-crossing-off type photocoupler MOC3061 obtains a forward operating current of approximately 10 mA. The internal infrared emitting diode emits infrared light, so that the photosensitive bidirectional switch in the zero-crossing detector is turned on when the commercial power crosses zero. Turn on the power of the fan motor, and the fan runs to supply air.

555 designed electric fan gust circuit

Solar Home Lighting System Kit

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