Tencent Digital (Bob) If you plan to purchase iPhone 7, then the choice of future headsets will change. Due to the abolition of the 3.5mm interface, traditional headphones need to use an adapter to use, a little troublesome, Lightning headphones and Bluetooth headset is undoubtedly a better choice.
So, who are the better choices for Lightning and Bluetooth? This may be a problem. Relatively speaking, Lightning allows the built-in amplifier of the headset to help improve the sound quality. Bluetooth is undoubtedly a more convenient and flexible choice and can integrate functions such as motion monitoring. Before making a choice, let’s take a look at some earphone models that are worth considering.
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Apple AirPods
Reference price: about 1288 yuan
Although AirPods's styling has been tweaked by users, it is undoubtedly the first choice for the iPhone 7 series as an official product. It uses a better W1 Bluetooth chip, which can effectively reduce the loss of connection. In addition, the built-in sensor and accelerometer can effectively reduce the ambient noise, automatically turn on the microphone, and the battery life is also sufficient for 5 hours. The portable carrying case that can be charged is also a great design.
Sennheiser Momentum Wireless
Reference price: about 3340 yuan
Sennheiser Momentum Wireless is a very good sports wireless headset, using Bluetooth APTX connection, NFC matching function, stainless steel and leather body is also very fine, and the battery life of up to 22 hours, you can get better wireless Play sound quality.
Reference price: about 802 yuan
Bragi is a pure wireless headset that is very hot recently. The design is smarter and the price is lower than AirPods. If there is a higher demand, consider another The Dash, providing a waterproof body, sports monitoring and other functions, the price is 299 US dollars (about 1997 yuan).
Libratone Q Adapt
Reference price: about 1196 yuan
The Libratone Q Adapt is an in-ear Lightning headset. The most important feature is the built-in active noise reducer, which can provide 5 levels of noise reduction, and does not require an extra battery. The advantage of Lightning power supply is reflected.
JBL Reflect Aware Sport
Reference price: about 1330 yuan
JBL Reflect Aware Sport is also a Lightning headset. It mainly provides noise reduction and motion functions and provides active noise reduction. Users can adjust according to their needs. In addition, even if the anti-sweat function performs intense exercise, the earplugs will not jump out. At the same time, the earphone cable also has a reflection function, making it more conspicuous and safer at night.
Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless
Reference price: about 2665 yuan
Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless is a well-recognized wireless headset in the market. APTX technology can provide high-fidelity music playback, and its battery life has reached an impressive 17 hours. Comfortable wearability is also a big selling point.
Jabra Elite Sport
Reference price: about 1670 yuan
The selling point of this pure wireless earplug is built-in heart rate monitoring function, while providing vocal training courses, users can better use them for fitness and music playback. With a battery life of up to 9 hours, an additional 6 hours of battery life can be achieved through the battery compartment, making it ideal for sports enthusiasts.
Philips Fidelio M2L
Reference price: about 1330 yuan
This Philips Lightning headset is not only price-appropriate, but also very powerful. It has a built-in DAC amplifier for higher quality audio output. In addition, the earmuffs use a memory foam material, coupled with exquisite leather, wearing a very good sense.
Helix Cuff
Reference price: about 1330 yuan
Helix Cuff is an innovative design earphone at this year's CES exhibition. It adopts a bracelet style. The headset is integrated in the bracelet and can be separated during use to prevent loss. It uses a Bluetooth connection and the bracelet part itself is a portable charger that can provide more endurance.
Audeze iSine10
Reference price: about 2665 yuan
Audeze recently introduced the in-ear Lightning earbud iSine10, which uses planar magnetic technology to achieve superior sound quality and a unique look. This headset will be officially listed in November, is also a good choice for iPhone 7 users.
Source: macworld, tomsguide
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USB Mini Fan, a ideal design for both outdoor or in office or at home. You don`t need to worry about the high temperature in summer when you have this mini fan. As a mini fan, you can take it in your bag to anywhere. And it can cool you down when you are hot.
Strong wind and no noise: The mini Handheld Fan uses a brushless DC motor to provide strong wind while quiet, energy-saving and stable operation. The maximum rotating speed of the fan is about 3520 rpm which is enough to keep you cool, works by accelerating airflow, low noise, giving you a cool and wonderful summer.
Adjust speed: Our mini portable fans have 3 adjustable speeds, press the power button repeatedly to adjust the appropriate fan speed you need.
With USB cable: USB port rechargeable, powered by lithium polymer battery, our mini usb fan comes with usb cable which can be charged with computer, power bank , mobile power and other devices.
Ideal design and portable solution: The size of the mini handy fan is 206*85*235mm, easy to take.
Usage: Including outdoor using, you also can use this handheld fan in office or at home to put it on the desk. With low noise and smooth wind, others will be not disturbed.
Mobile phone holder: This handy mini desk fan is also a mobile phone holder when put on the desk or table. Small body, big power, enjoys the cool summer and gentle wind at anytime and anywhere.
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