AA-1800 atomic absorption spectrometer standard addition method - Database & Sql Blog Articles

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AA-1800 atomic absorption spectrometer standard addition method

Key words: atomic absorption spectrometer; standard addition method; American analytical instrument ; AA-1800 take the same volume of the test solution prepared according to the provisions of each variety 4 parts, respectively, set 4 volumetric flasks of the same volume In addition to the (1) measuring flask, the other measuring bottles are precisely added with different concentrations of the reference substance solution to be tested, and respectively diluted with deionized water to the scale to make a series of solutions increasing from zero. According to the above standard curve method, the operation of “starting the instrument according to the regulation” is performed, the absorbance is measured, and the reading is recorded; the absorbance reading is plotted with the corresponding amount of the element to be tested, and the straight line is extended to intersect with the extension line of the content axis, and the intersection point The distance from the origin is equivalent to the content of the element to be tested in the amount of the solution to be tested. Then calculate the content of the element to be tested in the test sample. This method only applies to the case where the first standard curve is linear and passes through the origin. (figure omitted) When used for impurity limit inspection, take the test sample, prepare the test solution according to the provisions under each category; take the same amount of test sample, add a limited amount of the element solution to be tested, As a reference solution. According to the above standard curve method, the reading of the reference solution is a, the reading of the test solution is b, and the value of b should be less than (ab). Key words: atomic absorption spectrometer; standard addition method; US analytical instrument ; AA-1800

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